Safetouch Security understands how important pets are to any family, and since pets are so very important to us, we should do everything we can to keep them safe as well. Besides providing for all of their basic needs such as food, water, and a place to sleep, we also need to consider our pets in emergency situations.
Unfortunately ...
1,000 pets cause home fires every year
Pets are more susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning because of their size
Many incidents happen when pets are home alone, including break-ins and fires
Sign up to receive your free pet decal and protect your four legged family members in case of an emergency. Our pet decals inform first responders that there is a beloved pet in the home that needs to be saved. The pet decal also informs police and firefighters that the animal greeting them is not a threat.
*Pet decals only available to addresses in Jacksonville, FL; Orlando, FL; Tampa, FL; Tallahassee, FL; Savannah, GA
©2024 SafeTouch, LLC.
FL License #EF20001945
GA License #LVA004188
SC License #BAC5626.M