SafeTouch Testimonials

Feeling secure in your own home is a must! Hear what our customers have to say about their SafeTouch Security Experience:


This is a much overdue email, however, an email that I have wanted to send for quite some time. My former home was in Apopka, Fl., a suburb of Orlando, Fl. My husband and I had ADT for our alarm system originally and our home was broken into. ADT did nothing to aide us at this time. When I phoned them to find out why they did not contact us or the police they replied our alarm system was offline. When I explained to them that our system appeared to be working fine at home and inquired as to how long it had been offline they replied for 2 1/2 years. When I inquired as to why they felt no need to inform us of this issue but continued to charge us they replied by blaming us for not testing our alarm on a weekly basis. To make this story short I immediately cancelled our service and did my research and my husband and I decided on your service. First, let me say that your sales representative was professional, informative, and created a feeling of well being before we ever had your system installed. The installation was also professional and quick. We felt quite educated on the use of the system when your technician left our home. Now for the real reason for my email. Your system prevented our home from being broken into on three separate occasions. On one of those occasions I was home and I know your system saved my life. Due to your amazing response time the people who tried to break in the first time we arrested before they could make it out of the sub-division we lived in. You may think we lived in a not so nice neighborhood with three break in attempts, but this is not true. I believe the reason my home was such a target is because I am on disability and when the home was broken into the first time the thieves got away with a lot of pain medication with a very high street value and they also got some very expensive jewelry. It was always young kids trying to break in and I believe it was the medication they were after. The last time someone attempted to break in my husband was out of town and I was at work over 30 miles away so your company contacted the police and my neighbor. Nothing was taken and the response time was so fast my dog never even made it out the front door and she was a runner at the time. All your fine efforts and I never once had to do a weekly test because your monitoring team would call me as soon as they thought I might be having a problem. I received several calls over the years we had your service from your team asking me to do a test because they thought I might be having a problem with my service or my phone. Sometimes they were correct and sometimes everything was fine but I always felt like I was in great hands. In addition to wanting to let you know what fabulous service your provided us with I also wanted to let you know should you ever need someone to provide a testimonial for your company my husband and I would be proud to be spokespeople for your company. We have moved to Tallahassee due to job changes and having to downsize and while we'd love to have your service again we are renting and just can't afford to pay the three years upfront at this time. It makes me very sad because with your service I felt so much safer with your service. I am hoping soon that we will once again be able to afford your services. My husband is has his B.S. in MIS, programming and his M.S. in MIS, Internet and Network security. Hopefully he'll be able to find a position that has a pay scale commensurate with his education and abilities. As soon as he does we will once again become loyal customers. I do hope that someone will share this email with Lester Jackson because he is someone very near and dear to us after protecting us for so many years!


Eda G.

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